Right on! Holiday Bible Club CD-ROM Right On! is a Holiday Bible Club Pack based on the award-winning Friends and Heroes animated adventures with Bible stories. Covering themes such as standing up for what is right, doing the right thing, being a true friend; Right on! builds into a superb week of exploring Bible stories with Friends and Heroes characters such as Macky and Portia. Right on! features a five-day programme for children aged 6-11, with an optional sixth day which can be used as a wider family fun-day, plus a seventh day designed as an opportunity to share the experience of your Holiday Bible Club with your church or organisation. If you already own the Friends and Heroes DVDs containing Episodes 6-9, this CD-ROM provides all the resources needed to conduct your Right on! Holiday Bible Club.
- To run a Right on! Holiday Bible Club you will need:
Two Friends and Heroes DVDs featuring the four episodes required to run the programme: - Episode 6 – Sweet Freedom:
Moses and the Egyptian Slavemaster (Exodus 2:1-15); Saul on the Road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-18) - Episode 7 – Lost in Alexandria:
Ruth and Naomi (Ruth 1:1-22; 2:1-16); The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) - Episode 8 – The One that Got Away:
Peter and John heal a lame man (Acts 3:1-16, 4:1-22, 5:17-42); Shadrach and the Furnace (Daniel 3:1-27) - Episode 9 - Doing Our Part:
Esther the Queen (Esther chapters 2-7); Joseph of Cyprus (Barnabas) (Acts 4:32-37) - The Right on! CD-ROM with a General Introduction and a Leader's Guide for each day, six music files, printable resources, activity sheets, clip-art, and publicity material - all provided as PDFs ready for printing. Click the red words to see sample files from the Right on! material - please note: these large PDFs may take a considerable time to download.
- This 5-7 day programme CD-ROM contains:
- The Right on! daily programme includes:
Showing part of a Friends and Heroes DVD Craft activities Games and snack time Bible games and Reflections Song Time Sticker Time
