DVD Club Membership
Once you have collected all 18 Friends and Heroes DVDs, you will then automatically start collecting the equally brilliant What's in the Bible? DVDs, with yet another free gift! Our DVD Club costs just £10 per month (saving you £1.99 on every DVD) and each DVD is sent post free within the UK .
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The DVD Club is only available to residents in the British Isles with £Sterling bank accounts which can be instructed for direct debit collection. Friends and Heroes DVDs are such great fun that you'll want to collect every one! Why not sign up to the DVD Club today?
See a sample of Friends and Heroes
Friends and Heroes is the story of the difficult relationship between fourteen-year-old Macky and a young Roman girl named Portia.
Press the play button to view the Series 1 Trailer!
Played out against a tapestry of politics, war, daring escapes and even comedy, the action moves swiftly starting in the city of Alexandria, Egypt, and moving to Jerusalem in Series 2 and finally the capital of the Roman Empire, Rome itself in Series 3.
In each episode Macky and his friends tell stories from the Old and New Testaments - shown in stunning computer generated animation.